According to Lisa White, the associate director of engagement at the Career Center, over 1000 students attended the Career Fair over the two days seeking internships and full-time jobs.
UGBC Debates Sexual Health Referendum, Students for Sexual Health
The resolution stated that the University should allow Students for Sexual Health to distribute contraceptives to the BC community and have meetings without official University funding or recognition.
Concert Canceled in ‘Best Interest’ of Community
“The concert originally scheduled for January 29 has been canceled so that we can reconsider the program and its lineup,” the BC music department wrote in an email.
CoRo Cafe Rebrands Student Space
The new design is part of a two-phase transformation that aims to create a student hang-out space that can be used for musical performances and to foster a coffeehouse atmosphere.
Two Teams Declare UGBC Bids for President, Vice President
Reed Piercy, MCAS ’19, and Ignacio Fletcher, MCAS ’20, are currently collecting signatures to run, as well as Taraun Frontis, CSOM ’19, and Aneeb Sheikh, MCAS ’20.
International Student Enrollment Rises, Chinese Representation Grows Significantly
A variety of factors have contributed to the growth of the international student population on campus, including significant growth in the representation of students from countries in Asia, who constitute 65 percent of the total.
‘Girls Leadership’ Founder Addresses Perfectionist Culture, Self-Compassion
“We have this sense that no matter how hard we work, we can never be enough, and to me, that is a byproduct of being told you have to be amazing at everything you do,” said Rachel Simmons, a bestselling author, educator, and motivational speaker.
Andersen Discusses Evolution of Fake News in Post-Truth America
“This is American exceptionalism in the 21st century,” Andersen said. “Our drift toward … doing our own thing, and having an altogether uncertain grip on reality has overwhelmed our other exceptional national traits and turned us into a less-developed country as well.”
Union Stages ‘Work-In’ at O’Neill, Responds to Criticism from Admin
Members of the union are holding work-ins to attract attention to its cause, with the goal of showing that they are working employees rather than just students.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Service Brings BC Community Together
Through various mediums, including song, prayer, poetry, and public speaking, the night addressed the marginalization of people of color and minorities at large.