We had all this potential for wind energy, for solar energy, and there were so many barriers to developing [clean energy], that we set about trying to knock down barriers,” Ritter said.
People Must See Past Media’s Portrayal of North Korea, Cumings Says
“Do not believe most of what you hear, they are mostly just scare stories,” Cumings said.
Laura Sen Explains the Power of Learning, How to Spark Change
Sen was named one of the 100 Power Women by Forbes in 2010 and one of the 50 most influential women in 2011 by Boston Magazine.
Theology Professor Discusses Catholic Ethic of Immigration
Heyer cited significant changes to the U.S. immigration system brought about by President Donald Trump, including national security, selective travel bans, and expanding those targeted for deportation.
Rothstein Examines Social Justice Issues Around Public Housing
“Segregated public housing built for workers frequently created segregation where it never previously existed,” Rothstein said.
Panel of Faculty Members Speak About Being White in Racially-Charged World
“It’s white privilege to be able to think that one escapes race,” Eric Weiskott, a professor in the English department, said.
Panel of Students Talks Unwritten Rules of Social Media
“Let’s just face it, we’re in a digital world and we’re not going to be going back,” Sarah Swallow, MCAS ’18, said.
Ralph Nader Discusses Trump’s Impact on the Reawakening of Activism
“Democracy doesn’t work without civic engagement,” he said. “You can’t start with political engagement, you can’t start with economic institutions, you have to start with citizens.”
At Agape Latte, Cullinan Reflects on Power of Prayer
“There was no other explanation other than prayer,” Cullinan said.
Colonialism Influenced Beauty Standards, Activist Says
“I used to look in the mirror everyday and hate my reflection,” Kelly said. “It’s something I still struggle with to this day.”