The keynote speaker was Massachusetts State Senator Linda Dorcena Forry, BC ’96.
As UGBC Voting Starts, Candidates Clash Online
In a “borderline” decision, the Elections Committee decided a video criticizing Akosua Achampong and Tt King’s campaign did not constitute negative campaigning.
Students Receive a Frenzy of Invite Messages From ‘Friendsy’ App
Friendsy’s email invite used the BC Athletics logo without permission from the University.
Georgetown Prof. Gives Progress Report on U.S. Response to Global Terror
Daniel Byman said U.S. counterterrorism efforts are going better than you think.
Kaplan-Maxfield Connects ‘Random Hookups’ and Jesuit Ideals
Professor Thomas Kaplan-Maxfield noted the inherent human nature of hookup culture, referencing stories like Adam and Eve and how the seeking of something forbidden, as he believes random hookups are viewed, makes hookups all the more inevitable.
LeBeau Reflects on Reporting in Era of ‘Fake News’
Donald Trump’s constant use of the term “fake news” to describe the work of career journalists has deeply insulted and alienated many in the industry, according to Lebeau.
Ponsetto Talks Love as Verb and Noun at Agape Latte
“Love is a commitment that lasts longer than being in love,” Dan Ponsetto said.
Achampong, King Win Straw Poll at Second UGBC Presidential Debate
Two of the candidates exchanged some pointed comments about past remarks and leadership qualifications.
Arquillo Proposes Elimination of UGBC Executive Officer Stipends
Arquillo thinks officers who have work study should be able to allocate some of their work study hours toward UGBC.
Winter Storm Niko Causes University to Close, Students Celebrate
Raj Singh, CSOM ’19, created a Facebook event titled “Snowball Fight in the Stokes Quad.” Over 50 students participated in the fight.