Carolyn Townsend, the director of environment and sustainability programming in Student Initiatives, hopes to permanently implement composting at every dining hall on campus in the future.
New Campus Ministry Programs to Focus on Race
In a survey, many students said that colorblindness was enough, because it leads to equality, while others said it is ignorant, dismantling people’s stories by removing a key part of their identities.
UGBC Pursues Free Housing for Those Affected by Travel Ban
University president William P. Leahy, S.J.’s email to the BC community about the travel ban inspired Aneeb Sheikh to draft the resolution calling for BC to provide free housing for affected members of the community.
BC Dining Welcomes New Nutritionist, Introduces Pitaya Bowls
The fruit is rich in antioxidants, high in fiber, and has high amounts of Vitamin C to protect the immune system and Vitamin B2 for energy.
Four Members of Eradicate Receive Sanctions for Unregistered Protests
Three of the students received probation, and one received an administrative hearing.
Panel of Theologians Talk Religion in Latin America
Liberation theology is rooted in late 20th-century Roman Catholicism.
Islam Means ‘Submission to God,’ According to Bowering
According to Bowering, Islam means ‘submission to God,’ not ‘peace.’
UGBC Presidential Candidates Talk Diversity and Inclusion at Town Hall Event
Three teams remain after Davis Pollino, CSOM ’19, and Sebastian Biber, MCAS ’19, dropped out this week.
2000 Comm. Ave. Vacancies Reflect Changing Study Abroad Trends
Recruiting’s move to the fall for some business careers is pushing juniors to go abroad in the spring, throwing off housing capacity.
Grad Student Association Shuttle Route Initiative Hits Roadblock
The GSA aimed to combat the rising cost of parking on campus by expanding BC’s shuttle routes into more off-campus locations.