UGBC inaugurated its new president, vice president, and senators for the upcoming academic year at its annual banquet on Monday night.
Guider Analyzes the Historical Role of Religious Women in the U.S. at Annual STM Lecture
The School of Theology and Ministry hosted Margaret Eletta Guider, O.S.F., an associate professor of missiology and professora ordinaria, on Thursday as part of the annual women in theology and ministry lecture, which was titled “Women Religious and the Transformation of Theological Education.”
“An Advocate, Trailblazer, and an Inspiration”: Remembering Donald Brown
Donald Brown, former director of Boston College’s Office of AHANA Student Programs for 27 years, died on April 2, according to a University release. He was 75 years old.
CSA, JCBC Release Statement Condemning Post on BC’s Instagram Story
The Boston College Chinese Students Association (CSA) and the Japan Club of BC (JCBC) released a joint statement on Wednesday condemning the BC Instagram account for using a stock image to promote their upcoming formal.
Posts Featuring CJBC, Divestment Removed During EcoPledge Takeover of BC’s Instagram Story
When EcoPledge Co-President Maureen Kelly took over the Boston College Instagram story at the Earth Day fair on Friday afternoon, no one gave her any restrictions about what content to post, she said. But when Kelly posted a video of Climate Justice at BC (CJBC) explaining its mission and advocating for BC to divest from fossil fuels, it was taken down immediately, she said.
Students Express Frustration With Lack of Economics Electives for Fall Semester
Many economics majors are currently expressing frustration with the shortage of economics electives available for the upcoming fall semester. The economics department will do everything it can to help seniors who need specific economics courses to graduate on time, according to Christopher F. Baum, chair of Boston College’s economics department.
BC Dining Will Offer Three Meal Plan Options for the 2023–24 School Year
Boston College will offer three price levels—light, base, and premium—for students’ residential meal plans starting in the 2023–24 school year, according to Director of Dining Services Beth Emery.
BC Will Officially Integrate LGBTQ+ Programming and Support Into BAIC This Summer, Administrators Announce
Boston College will officially integrate its LGBTQ+ programming and support into the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (BAIC) this summer, according to an email sent to the BC community on Friday afternoon.
Horn Discusses Societal Ignorance Toward Modern Day Oppression of Jewish Communities
Despite universal condemnation of the oppression of Jewish communities during the Holocaust, hatred toward Jewish Americans today goes largely ignored, according to author Dara Horn, recipient of three National Jewish Book Awards.
Remembering Former STM Dean Rev. Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.
Rev. Thomas D. Stegman, S.J., a New Testament scholar and former dean of the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry (STM), died on April 8 after a battle with glioblastoma, according to a University release. He was 60 years old.