Retired Col. April Skou emphasized the importance of legacy and the necessity of interpersonal connections in the military during her keynote speech at the 22nd Annual Boston College Veterans Mass and Remembrance Ceremony on Friday morning.
Bias-Related Incidents Prompt Herrd to Hire More Student Ambassadors
Bias-related incidents on the anonymous social media app Herrd prompted UGBC and University administrators to meet with the platform’s co-founders, according to Jonah Kotzen, the policy coordinator of the Council for Students with Disabilities (CSD).
UGBC Divisions Work to Bring Terrence Floyd to Campus, Discuss Health and Safety Initiatives at BC
Two divisions within UGBC are working to bring Terrence Floyd to campus next semester, Meghan Heckelman said at the Student Assembly (SA) meeting on Tuesday night.
Students Gather on Bapst Lawn at 5 A.M. for Lunar Eclipse Viewing
Cloaked under a dawn sky at 5 a.m., around 50 members of the Boston College community gathered on the Bapst lawn to catch a glimpse of the lunar eclipse on Tuesday.
Peters-Lewis Highlights COVID-19’s Effects on Nursing
The COVID-19 pandemic thrust nurses and the nursing industry into the spotlight, according to Angelleen Peters-Lewis.
Battle at the Ballot: Panelists Analyze Voting Rights
The American Constitution Society of Boston College Law School hosted a panel discussion on Thursday afternoon titled Battle at the Ballot: The Issues That Impact Voters’ Rights.
Speakers Discuss Freedom of Expression in Guatemala
The Guatemalan government denies Indigenous communities the fundamental right to freedom of expression when they face legal barriers to accessing radio frequencies, according to San Miguel Chicaj radio station operator Noé Ismalej.
BC Graduate Employees Union Rallies For Better Working Conditions
Members of the Boston College Graduate Employees Union (BCGEU) gathered on the lawn outside of St. Ignatius, hoisting signs plastered with phrases including “remind BC workers rights are Catholic values” and “BC works hard because graduate students do.”
R. Kendall Soulen Speaks at BC’s 10th Annual John Paul II Lecture
R. Kendall Soulen sought to answer what he described as a seemingly simple yet surprisingly complex question in the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning’s annual John Paul II lecture.
Panelists Discuss the Current Global Maternal Health Crisis
We are currently in the midst of a maternal mortality crisis, according to Joyce Edmonds, an associate professor in the Boston College Connell School of Nursing.