When freshman Marie Hauck went to bed Friday night, three days after the presidential election, Donald J. Trump was president of the United States, and it was still unclear whether his challenger, Joseph R. Biden Jr., had garnered enough votes to unseat him. When Hauck woke up Saturday morning, her phone was blowing up with…
BC Libraries Turns the Page Amid Novel Coronavirus Pandemic
Upon entering O’Neill Library, visitors are confronted with one of the library’s newest additions: a neon green sign displaying its current occupancy. BC Libraries, a staple in students’ academic lives, were uniquely challenged by the pandemic, struggling to constantly update and shift its policies in order to comply with University, state, and federal regulations. From…
BC Community Leaders Urge Solidarity to Confront Racial Justice
Members of the Boston College community—sporting T-shirts and holding signs that read “End racism now,” each marked with the signature BC eagle—flooded the sidewalks of the main campus on Tuesday afternoon in support for racial justice.
“An Election Like No Other”: Boston College Braces for 2020 Presidential Election
“I am trying not to hedge my bets. I’m trying not to get my hopes up,” Katz said. “I’m trying not to resort my mental state to just envisioning the impending doom.”
UGBC Asks BC to Cancel Classes on Election Day, Overriding Presidential Veto
“As somebody who’s most of his time here has been a regular student, it makes UBGC look like a joke,” President Guma said. “I’m in a position now that I have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
Week Nine COVID-19 Positivity Rate Rises, Remains Below State and Local Rates
The University reported seven additional undergraduate cases of COVID-19 out of 1,663 undergraduate tests between the Thursday and Friday updates of its COVID-19 dashboard, a positivity rate of 0.42 percent.
As COVID-19 Cases Rise Across Mass., BC Maintains Relatively Low Rate
Three undergraduates have tested positive for COVID-19 at Boston College since Monday out of 2,995 tests, a positivity rate of .10 percent.
UGBC Asks Administration To Provide Academic Credit for ROTC Classes
After intense debate about the readiness of the proposal, the Undergraduate Government of Boston College Student Assembly passed a resolution encouraging the University administration to provide ROTC students with academic credit for their ROTC-required classes.
BCEMS Meets Increased Risks, Responsibilities in 25th Year
On National First Responders Day—which honors first responders each year on Oct. 28—Boston College Emergency Medical Services plans to celebrate the same way that they usually do: going to work.
Many Students Did Not Show Up for Mandatory Testing After Three-Day Weekend
Despite the University’s plans to test all undergraduates in the week following the Columbus Day holiday, not all students went in for testing that week.