Hundreds of students and faculty gathered for a candlelit vigil on O’Neill Plaza in the wake of the terrorist attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand last week.
Garcia Discusses the Nature of Trade in a Globalized World
BC Law professor Frank Garcia gave a talk titled “Consent, Coercion and Democracy: Trade & Foreign Relations in the Trump Era” on March 14.
Carolina Tiru, MCAS ’20, Awarded Romero Scholarship
Carolina Tiru, MCAS ’20, was awarded the 2019 Oscar A. Romero Scholarship at an awards ceremony Saturday night. Tiru was awarded the scholarship for academic excellence, as well as significant involvement within the greater Latinx and Hispanic communities.
Jay Tells Students How to Make the Most of Their 20s
Best-selling author Meg Jay spoke on March 14 about how to take advantage of and plan through the transition after college and into one’s 20s.
Woodward Downplays Religion in American Politics
Former Newsweek religion editor Kenneth Woodward argued that religion is no longer a significant factor in presidential politics in a lecture titled “Religion in the White House.”
BC Women’s Center Sponsors ‘Take Back the Night’ 2019
“Take Back the Night” is an annual, worldwide event in pursuit of diminishing the stigma and silence about instances of sexual violence. Every year, the BC Women’s Center sponsors the event, inviting students to listen to accounts of sexual violence survivors and songs from BC-based a cappella group.
Acceptance Rate for Class of 2023 Holds Steady at 27 Percent
Boston College accepted 9,500 students from a total pool of 35,500. Total applications rose over 14 percent from last year.
‘Lies Feminists Tell’ Event Sees Tensions Rise During Q&A Portion After Anti-Abortion Speech
Boston College’s Pro-Life Club held an event titled “Lies Feminists Tell with Kristan Hawkins” Tuesday night, with tensions reaching a high point during the question-and-answer section of the event.
Classics Department Introduces Ancient Greek Minor
Because Ancient Greek is deeply integrated in the foundation of many subject areas, such as philosophy and theology, the department believes that having some knowledge of Greek language and culture will help students attain a deeper understanding of their other studies.
After Presentations, Amaka Nnaeto, MCAS ’20, Voted New Director of Diversity and Inclusion
The process of selecting a new Director of Diversity and Inclusion (DDI) for the Undergraduate Government of Boston College kicked off with a series of presentations by three candidates on Sunday night, hosted by Michael Osaghae, UGBC president-elect and MCAS ’20. Amaka Nnaeto, MCAS ’20, was voted into the position late Monday night.