“BC must more effectively communicate with the student body if it wishes to stop rumors such as these. There is no reason that the student body should have been so worried—something that, to a degree, would have been preventable had BC better communicated.”
New Briefs Filed in $3 Million Lawsuit Against University
The plaintiff’s lawyer in the $3 million lawsuit against BC filed briefs to the Mass. District Court arguing that the suit’s scope should be wide-ranging.
UPDATE: Jefferson Crowther, Father of ‘Man in the Red Bandana’ Welles, Dies at Age 73
Jefferson Crowther, known by most as the father of the former Boston College student-turned 9/11 hero “The Man in the Red Bandana” died on Wednesday.
UPDATE: Osaghae and Brooks Win UGBC Pres. and E.V.P. Elections in Landslide
Michael Osaghae, MCAS ’20, and Tiffany Brooks, MCAS ’21, defeated Taylor Jackson, MCAS ’21, and Alejandro Perez, MCAS ’21, to become UGBC President and Executive Vice President.
Hearing for Sorkin Delayed Again
The arraignment of Michael Sorkin, CSOM ’21, who was accused of vandalizing Welch Hall with racist epithets, has been delayed again.
OIP Director Says Most Satisfied With Abroad Placement
Nick Gozik, director of the Office of International Programs, said that just over 70 percent of students received their preferred program and semester this academic year.
Vanier Presents Messages on Love, L’Arche Communities
Theologian, humanitarian, and L’Arche founder Jean Vanier presented video messages made for the Boston College community in a C21 event on Wednesday.
UHS Releases Public Statement On Illnesses
Following rumors of a norovirus outbreak—a highly contagious gastrointestinal virus—on campus, Tom Nary, director of University Health Services, sent an email to the student body titled “Update on Winter Health Issues.”
Inaccurate Rumor About Mod Engenders Response From Dean of Students After Vandalism
The circulation of a text message on social media that alleged that residents of a mod were “drugging women’s drinks” resulted in the mod being vandalized and threatened, which garnered a response from Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Tom Mogan.
Student Government Alliance Holds Winter Summit, Ratifies Constitution
Members of the Jesuit Student Government Alliance ratified a new constitution and discussed overlapping problems their universities face at a Winter Summit.