The election kickoff for the Undergraduate Government of Boston College presidential race took place Monday night, where the two remaining presidential teams disclosed their official platforms.
Symposium Marks Official Name Change in Lynch
The Lynch School of Education was officially renamed the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at a University symposium on Wednesday.
CSOM, Career Center Host Inaugural ‘Bank Week’
The event, which is taking place this week, is designed for students to learn more about internship and career opportunities away from the pressure of recruitment and networking sessions.
UGBC Presidential Elections Platform Drafts Released
The three teams campaigning to be Undergraduate Government of Boston College President and Executive Vice President released their initial platform proposals to The Heights after they officially declared their candidacies this week. At the core of all three platforms is the intent to cultivate a more inclusive campus culture, but the teams disagree on how…
‘My Presence Here Does Not Mean Anything’
This is a story of the painful progress BC has experienced as it slowly integrated black students into its culture and community—the successes, the failures, the apathy, and the passion that administrators, faculty, and students have experienced over the last 100 years.
Student Leaders Respond to Administration Letter on Resolution
Interim VPSA Joy Moore penned a letter rejecting most of the provisions of UGBC’s Hate Crime Response Resolution on behalf of the University.
Colleges Lodge Concerns Over Tweaks to Title IX
AICUM—which BC is a member of—has issued public comments about the universities’ concern over proposed changes to Title IX.
Meatball Obsession Torn Down, Students Mourn
The Shack was torn down Tuesday morning—much to the dismay of many students, who mourned the loss on social media and at a makeshift candlelit vigil.
Editorial: Although Unsurprising, Moore’s Letter Reflection of UGBC’s Unrealistic Resolution
“UGBC and the administration must work together to create actual change that is feasible and can be implemented at BC”
CSA Leaders Add Their Perspectives on Diversity
In the aftermath of the “Silence is Still Violence” protests that occured last year and the “die-in” from this past October, Boston College students have felt challenged to reflect upon issues of race within the community. Students of color and more specifically leaders of culture clubs on campus have felt compelled to take consider their places in such protests and in such discussions.