Writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit spoke on the silencing of women and altering of reality in the context of today’s political climate on Wednesday evening.
McGuffey Discusses Administration Transparency, Student Needs
Student activists took to the Quad to draw attention to injustice and issues they saw with inequality at BC on Oct. 18. This was different from 2017, which was in response to a string of racist incidents on campus.
Question One Referendum Affects Nursing Clinicals
Stricter patient limits will be enforced for Massachusetts’s registered nurses if voters vote for Ballot Question One. The question was supported by a study by Judith Shindul-Rothschild, a nurse and professor in the Connell School of Nursing.
Outgoing Connecticut Governor to Teach Law, Public Policy
Almost 40 years after he left campus, outgoing Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy, BC ’77 and BC Law ’80, will return to Boston College Law School. He will begin teaching at the Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy in January.
Class of 2022 is 33 Percent AHANA
Thirty-three percent of the Class of 2022 identifies as AHANA+, according to statistics from a University release. The acceptance rate was 28 percent, and yield held steady at 27 percent, consistent with past figures.
Plunkert, BC ’68, Shares Cold War Spy Stories
Bill Plunkert, BC ’65, lectured on his experience with the CIA as a Cold War spy in Moscow this past Thursday in Gasson Hall.
College Democrats and College Republicans Debate As Midterms Loom
Boston College’s College Democrats and College Republicans faced off in a debate hosted by the Eagle Political Society (EPS) on Tuesday. The contentious debate took place just weeks before the high-stakes midterm elections.
Student-Athlete Learning Center Renamed as Part of ‘Greater Heights’
The Office of Learning Resources for Student-Athletes will be renamed the Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS), according to a University press release.
Conde Lectures as Part of ‘Rights in Conflict’ Series
Victor Conde, an international human rights lawyer and educator, examined the global and national importance of international human rights law in the Center for Human Rights and International Justice Center’s Rights in Conflict Series.
Professors Discuss Faith in Wake of Church Scandals
Four Boston College faculty members discussed faith in Catholicism in 2018 during a panel titled “Catholic Belonging in a Time of Scandal.”