“A majority of the stories are by women and by people of color—13 of the 18 stories. Contributors also include immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, people with disabilities, Muslim-Americans, and veterans,” said Dan Ponsetto, director of the Volunteer and Service Learning Center.
BC Hosts Refugee Conference to Address Global Crisis
“No one can dispute the importance of national security, but there needs to be a balanced approach looking at our national interest and our humane obligations,” said David Phillips, director of the peace-building and rights program at Columbia University.
University Announces Details of Student Experience Survey
Boston College is launching the first Student Experience Survey next week, the University announced Thursday morning in a release. Survey data will be available this spring, with more “segmented analysis and extensive reporting” available in fall 2019.
Over 100 Students ‘Die-In’ on Anniversary of March
The majority of demonstrators taped their mouths shut to show “the institutional silencing that happens at Boston College,” according to the release from the Black Eagles, the groups that organized the protest.
Girls Who Code Founder Speaks to BC Council Of Women
Founder and CEO of tech organization Girls Who Code Reshma Saujani spoke at the annual Council for Women of Boston College Colloquium on Tuesday, regarding the efforts of her organization in closing the gender gap in technology.
Behind ‘Invisible’: The Many Sides of Migration
Throughout her years at the Academy and the time following her graduation, Štivičić produced several theatrical performances. Her plays cover a myriad of topics, ranging from particular aspects of the human experience to broad sociological critiques.
Jarmond Shares History Behind New Athletics Campaign
In order to solve the largest issues holding the institution back, which were laid out in the pillars making up the University’s new athletics capital campaign, Greater Heights, Jarmond realized he had been presented with a unique opportunity.
WZBC Launches $30K Fundraiser for Renovation
Boston College’s radio station, WZBC, has launched a fundraiser in order to help with an upcoming remodel of its studios in McElroy 107. The fundraiser is officially taking place from Oct. 12 through Oct. 21, but there will be a link for online donations online up until Nov. 4.
School of Social Work To Help Research Under Schiller
“The Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society provides the School of Social Work that ideal platform to reach across disciplines to define, understand, design, and test interventions,” the dean of the Boston College School of Social Work said in an email.
Chemistry Department Aims for Collaboration Through Schiller
Though the department is working to become stronger, according to Marc Snapper, chair of the chemistry department, its focus with regard to the Schiller is truly on reciprocity.