Karen Bradley, the secretary of state for Northern Ireland, hosted a talk concerning the looming pressure of Brexit and the lack of a functioning government in Northern Ireland.
Visa CEO Speaks to BC Chief Executive Club
The Boston College Chief Executives Club convened on Thursday to hear Visa Inc. CEO and BC Board of Trustees member Alfred Kelly speak on the leadership, the current state of affairs and the future at Visa.
ESPN VP Talks Sports Media, Entertainment Industry
Norby Williamson, senior vice president of production at ESPN, sat down with with the Sports Business Society to talk about his experiences in sports media over the years and offer advice to aspiring sports media students in the room.
Student-Run Food Delivery App Expands to Addie’s
BC GET is expanding its offerings of food pickup and delivery services: Students are able to pre-order food and drinks out of Addie’s at the Loft starting Thursday, and delivery will soon be available out of Addie’s as well.
UGBC Fills Open Seats Following Delay in Elections
After a technical hiccup delayed the elections, this year’s Undergraduate Government of Boston College elections for Student Assembly (SA) filled nine open seats—four first-year positions, three senior class positions, and two miscellaneous positions.
BC Launches Global Observatory on Pollution and Health
Boston College announced that it has created a Global Observatory on Pollution and Health to raise awareness about the problems surrounding pollution. The observatory will be directed by Philip J. Landrigan.
Graduate Union Interrupts Parents’ Weekend Event, Pickets Pops on the Heights
About 30 members of the Boston College Graduate Employees Union (BCGEU-UAW) first walked out of the annual President’s Address in Robsham Theater before carrying out a planned picket outside Pops on the Heights Friday night.
Lawsuit Against University Going to Jury Trial
Judge Denise Casper has ordered the breach of contract lawsuit pending against Boston College to a jury trial, according to an electronic court order sent to the two sides in the lawsuit Friday afternoon.
Sonya Renee Taylor Returns to Talk “Radical Self-Love”
The Boston College Women’s and Gender Studies Program welcomed Taylor to speak to students for the second year in a row this past Tuesday.