“We’ve got a good team, everyone’s worked hard through the year,” said Dan Bourque, vice president of Facilities Management. “Everyone’s working together trying to do their best for BC.”
2018 Relay for Life Raises Over $133,000
“The strength instilled in me as a child came into play and I found the power I never knew existed in me,” said Queenie Santos, a breast cancer survivor, to those gathered. “For the first time in my life I couldn’t run away from what I was scared of or terrified of. I had to stand up to face it head on, and to fight.”
Valdez Wins 126th Annual Fulton Prize Debate
“Single payer is affordable, and the expanded coverage is paid for by administrative cost savings and progressive taxes,” said Noah Valdez, winner of the debate and MCAS ’21. “Health care spending is contained by eliminating administrative costs—both purchasing and global budget.”
Wake Forest Provides a Model for BC to Implement Engineering Program
“Our world/society truly needs ‘liberal art’ engineers to lead with character and technical acumen.” said Olga Pierrakos, chair of the Wake Forest engineering program.
Boston Marathon Runner Kate Mignosa, CSON ’19, Places 28th for Women
Come race day, Mignosa was surprised by the conditions of the race, but they weren’t enough to keep her from persevering.
‘The Gavel’ to Print Magazine Once a Semester
Tue Tran, BC ’11, founded the publication in 2009.
Filings Show Coach, Admin Salaries
Football head coach Steve Addazio received $2,514,859 in total compensation and men’s basketball head coach Jim Christian received $1,480,826.
Piercey and Fletcher Inaugurated to UGBC
“The job of leading UGBC is a massive privilege,” Piercey siad. “It will be our honor to use that privilege in whatever ways we can to push our community forward.”
‘Take Back the Night’ Recognizes Victims of Sexual Assault
The staff of the Women’s Center stressed that its wide range of resources are available to anyone who needs them.
Palestinian Legislator Highlights Tensions Between Israel and Palestine
“This has to be resolved on the basis of political, legal, moral, human terms. There is no other solution,” Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi said.