“Men … would you want any guy thinking about or doing to your sister doing what you’re thinking about doing to this woman under these circumstances?” McNellis asked.
Krause Outlines State of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
“Even though we can talk about these final solutions for the conflict, it may be very likely that the next five, 10, 20 years we just keep saying the same thing,” Krause said.
Natalee Deaette Wins Truman Scholarship
“It was a Tuesday night, and I got a call from a number I didn’t recognize,” Deaette said. “It was Fr. Leahy calling to congratulate me.”
2018 Commencement Will Feature Archbishop of Atlanta
The University will also present an honorary degree to Drew Gilpin Faust, the outgoing president of Harvard University.
NYU Tisch Professor Performs Excerpts from Recent Play
At one point, Smith suggested that children should be encouraged to look inward and find the power that resides within themselves.
Mass. Attorney General to Speak at BC Town Hall
The town hall will begin with a panel discussion addressing questions concerning her career, President Donald Trump’s administration, and issues pertinent to college students.
Mistake in Some Google Groups Permissions Left Sensitive Info Accessible to BC Students, Faculty, Staff
Until December 2017, Google Groups containing hundreds of University communications and associated documents with restricted, confidential, or otherwise sensitive information had misconfigured permission settings such that anyone who could access the Boston College G Suite—known formally as Google Apps—could view them, a Heights investigation found. The Heights notified the University on Dec. 18 of this…
Students Feel Senior Week Costs Add Up
“The fact that we come from different backgrounds both socially and financially makes this campus unique, so it’s hard to see how this portion of the BC community’s needs are being overlooked at one of the most memorable portions of their undergraduate experience,” said Lauren Kaufman, CSOM ’18.
Two Students Accused of Property Damage For Chalking
When asked if he knew that chalking was in violation of University policy, Matthew Barad, MCAS ’19, said, “I did not. And I am still not convinced it is.”
Georgetown Graduate Student Union Reaches Voluntary Election Agreement
“It’s given us a really big lift to know that there is so much support, and it’s just another indication of how much of a growing movement graduate worker unionization is across the country—it’s not just something that’s happening on this campus,” said Gage Martin, a union member and Ph.D. student at BC.
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