Markey explained that part of the reason the March for Our Lives was so powerful was that it focused entirely on the next generation of leaders.
Mejia Awarded 2018 Romero Scholarship
“To me, the Romero Scholarship is not a spotlight, but a reminder,” said Juan Mejia, MCAS ’19. “A reminder of my and our duty as humans to realize that we are agents of history, and in our hands are the tools to rectify injustices.”
Samantha Power Outlines Four Premises that Influence Foreign Policy
“We need to bring in professionals from all walks of life—diplomacy can’t be left to just the foreign service types,” Samantha Power said.
Remembering Refugees’ Stories
“The point was simply this: The most important thing we could never forget was that we could never forget,” said Viet Thanh Nguyen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer.
Lujan Says More Work Needs to Be Done for Puerto Rico
March 19th marks the six-month anniversary of Hurricane Maria, which devastated the Puerto Rico.
Experts in Law Praise Free Speech on College Campuses
“There’s so much that colleges and universities can do, so as to make sure that it’s an inclusive community for all students,” said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California at Berkeley School of Law.
Leahy Presented 2018 Spirit of Francis Award
Catholic Extension, a fundraising organization that supports dioceses and parishes across the United States, gave University President Rev William P. Leahy, S.J., the honor.
Frontis to Serve as 2018-19 UGBC VP of Diversity and Inclusion
“Overall, it’s good to see that Reed is living up to what he says with not having representation on his team, but making sure it’s shown through his VPs,” said Taraun Frontis, CSOM ’19.
Resolution Passes for Montserrat, First-Gen Club Senators in SA
“Having a set of seats for both First-Year Generation students and Monserrat students will give the ability to students to feel empowered and see the resources [their representation in the SA] present around BC,” said Ignacio Fletcher, MCAS ’20.
Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor Reflects on Spiritual Life
Patrick Downes gave the Ignatian Society’s inaugural AMDG (ad maiorem Dei gloriam) Lecture on Monday night.