

Study Shows Nurse Visits Help New Mothers, Babies

By: Connor Farley

A leader in the field of research on postpartum depression and early mother-child interaction, professor emeritus of Boston College and former nursing research professor in the Connell School of Nursing June Andrews Horowitz has contributed two more significant studies on clinical depression following childbirth for women.


BC Senior Co-Founds WOOF

By: Daniel Perea-Kane

Working On Our Future (WOOF) Supplies, LLC is a social entrepreneurship project started by Chris Olmanson, A&S ’14, his brother Alex, and his childhood friend Jack Angell, that aims to provide notebooks and other school supplies to under privileged children.

News, On Campus

University Weighs Campus School Move

By: Mary Rose Fissinger

Seven Campus School parents and the co-presidents of the Campus School Volunteers of Boston College (CSVBC) met with University officials on Thursday, Jan. 16 to voice their concerns about the potential affiliation between the Campus School and the Kennedy Day School (KDS), which would result in a relocation of the Campus School to KDS’s facilities in the Franciscan Hospital for Children in Brighton

News, On Campus

2014 UGBC Elections Re-Opened

By: Julie Orenstein

Facing the prospect of an uncontested election for UGBC president and vice president for 2014-15, the Elections Committee (EC) has re-opened the applicant pool for candidates and delayed the start of the election season.

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