

BCSSH and BCSDH Exchange Words Outside McElroy

By: David Cote

This past Friday, Dec. 2, a relatively new student group calling themselves the Boston College Students for Dental Health (BCSDH) distributed individually wrapped flossing packets to students on the sidewalk between Upper Campus and McElroy.


ALC Dept. Promotes Continuity

By: David Cote

A new department created by the AHANA Leadership Council (ALC) will help the organization achieve continuity in its future endeavors, the council’s leadership says.


New Video Contest To Help Promote Good Sportsmanship

By: David Cote

Every Boston College student knows the annoying, unsportsmanlike fan that can be found occasionally at games in Conte Forum and Alumni Stadium. The drunk, rude, or uncontrollable fan who yells obscenities blindly at the other team is an annoyance at any sporting event.


Who Really Deserves Each Of Our Votes?

By: David Cote

As we move toward graduation and the job market, the economy is and will continue to be of primary importance in each of our futures. It is imperative for each of us to research and become well informed on the problems our nation is facing, and will continue to face over the course of our lifetime. From there, we can each make our own decision on who to vote for, what jobs to choose, and how we can each strengthen our country individually.


Dinner And A Movie

By: Brennan Carley, Charlotte Parish

As the winter winds pick up speed, college students grow increasingly more reluctant to leave their dorm rooms on the chilly nights. It’s always an easy and cheap way to relax by spending evenings in common rooms with food and movies at ones’ disposal, but perhaps now is the time to take a second look at the age-old tradition.



Admins Reflect on Pathways Initiative

By: David Cote


Since August, residents in Hardey-Cushing have experienced a new type of interaction with their Resident Assistants (RAs) as part of the Pathways Initiative. Developed by the Office of Residential Life, the program aims to foster community growth and development in smaller resident communities.

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