By: David Cote
Chris Osnato and Kudzai Taziva, both A&S ’13, have won the UGBC presidency for the 2012-2013 academic year. The pair received 50.5 percent of the votes cast.
By: David Cote
Chris Osnato and Kudzai Taziva, both A&S ’13, have won the UGBC presidency for the 2012-2013 academic year. The pair received 50.5 percent of the votes cast.
The theme for the 38th annual Middlemarch dance was announced last night in Conte Forum.
UGBC Senate and Student Organization Funding Committee held a joint meeting on Monday night to discuss how to better fund student organizations on campus.
The Belfast Project was started as an oral history project on The Troubles in Northern Ireland. It has since developed into an international legal debacle.
By: David Cote
The results of the UGBC presidential primary have been released, cutting the five remaining teams down to two. Chris Osnato and Kudzai Taziva, both A&S ’13, won the primary with 38 percent of the student vote. Vanessa Gomez and Jen Wanandi, both A&S ’13, will also advance to the final round of voting with 30 percent of the votes.
By: David Cote
The annual storming of the T by Boston College students on the night of the Beanpot game almost took an official turn with University approval. Last year, UGBC Campus Entertainment worked with the athletics department and the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) to arrange a deal for BC students hoping to ride the T to the Beanpot game.
The Fair Share Alliance (FSA), a national non-profit group that recently opened a branch of its organization in Newton, strives to help Americans by giving them a better chance at finding a good job.
By: David Cote
Candidates for UGBC president and vice president met on the eve of primary voting last night in Hillside for a debate sponsored by the Elections Council. The five remaining candidate teams, Vanessa Gomez and Jennifer Wanandi, both A&S ’13; Chris Osnato and Kudzai Taziva, both A&S ’13; Michael Salerni and Benjamin Donovan, both A&S ’13; Conor Sullivan, LSOE ’13, and Daniel Tonkovich, CSOM ’13; and Robert Veiga and Jeff Colonnese, both CSOM ’13, answered questions posed by ALC, GLC, the Elections Council, and The Heights.
By: David Cote
A perfect storm has arisen this March at Boston College due to the scheduling of two separate events—Take Back the Night and the Barstool Blackout Tour at the House of Blues, both of which will take place on Wednesday, Mar. 28.
By: David Cote
The Heights recently sat down with Chris Osnato and Kudzai Taziva to discuss the UGBC elections.