Biden selected Evan Ryan, BC ’93, to serve as White House Cabinet secretary in the Office of Cabinet Affairs and Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, BC ’09, to serve as secretary of labor in his cabinet.
Miller and Cullors Talk Intersection of Race and Gender at Women’s Summit
The summit also included eight workshops which focused on a variety of topics, including women in software engineering and the importance of self-compassion.
Lynch’s ERA Program to Present at Columbia University Conference
The Boston College Lynch School of Education and Human Development’s Experience, Reflection, Action (ERA) program was chosen to present its submission at the 38th Annual Winter Roundtable: A Pandemic of Racism hosted by the Teachers College at Columbia University.
Remembering Tsung: Professor, Colleague, Friend
MLE Residents Report Pattern of Harassment in Xavier Hall
Destiny Gonzalez returned to her dorm in Xavier Hall around 9:40 p.m. on Tuesday night to a commotion on the third floor.
Red Sox Hall of Famer Tommy Harper Accuses BC Administrator of Racial Bias
Red Sox Hall of Famer Tommy Harper has accused Christine Caswell, director of undergraduate studies in BC’s communication department, of racial bias, as first reported by The Boston Globe.
UGBC Discusses Vandalism on MLE Floor at Sunday Meeting
The Undergraduate Government of Boston College discussed the vandalism that occurred Saturday morning on the Multicultural Learning Experience (MLE) floor of Xavier Hall in a meeting on Sunday night, agreeing that the incident is the latest in a long series of racist occurrences at Boston College.
Boston College Kicks Off the Spring Semester by Expanding Dining Options
Boston College Dining Services is ready to expand their campus locations and food options for the spring semester, according to Beth Emery, director of BC Dining.
Predicting the Unpredictable: How Will BC’s Spring Semester Amid COVID-19 Unfold?
With the turning of a new year, one already defined by both hopes provided by a vaccine and renewed fears due to new virus strains around the world, many question what a spring semester on BC’s campus will hold.
“Why Is It Only Our floor?… Why Us?”: Multicultural Learning Floor Vandalized Saturday Morning
The Boston College Police Department identified two individuals responsible for vandalizing the women’s Multicultural Learning Experience (MLE) floor—the third floor of Xavier Hall on Upper Campus—in the early hours of Saturday morning.