Newton residents will vote on three override questions regarding a proposed $15 million tax increase during a special election on March 14.
Metro, Politics, Newton, Newton Override Special Election
Fuller Advocates for Override, Calls for Investment in Newton’s Future at State of the City Address
Mayor Fuller emphasized the importance of the upcoming override vote and reflected on the past year during her State of the City Address.
Newton Override Special Election, Newton, Politics, Metro
Pro-Override Groups Hold 21 Standouts Outside Public Schools Across Newton
The NTA, in collaboration with Yes for Newton, organized 21 community standouts in support of the override.
Newton Override Special Election, Newton, Politics, Metro
Newton City Council Approves Early Voting Schedule for Special Election
Moore said the proposed override on the ballot should ensure a relatively high turnout, which necessitates several days of early voting.
Metro, Newton Override Special Election, Newton, Politics
Override Vote Failure Would Cause Gap in NPS Budget, Superintendent Says
If it passes, the March 14 election would override Massachusetts’ Proposition 2 ½, which places a cap on annual increases in levy limits.