The BC alumni network is regarded as one of the most robust alumni networks in the country. It seems as though all alumni are proud they went to BC and eager to help out a “baby Eag.”
If You Have Ever Downloaded MyFitnessPal, Please Read This Column
There’s a fair amount of talk today about body positivity, self-improvement, and combatting unhealthy workout and diet culture. At the same time, I also think there’s a lot of fear to admit that sometimes we do feel self-judgemental—even to our closest friends.
“I Am Horribly Limited”
When I think of my goals for the future, my mind runs wild with ideas. As a young child, I wrote in my preschool journal that I wanted to be a firetruck. Slowly, my goals became more realistic—I wanted to be a chef, a teacher, a lawyer.
Phone Usage: A Gateway to Mindlessness?
While it may be entertaining to watch content and multitask, our phone makes us increasingly comfortable with splitting our attention. From walking to eating to brushing our teeth, our phones have wormed their way into every small activity to the point where we cannot be fully present throughout an entire day.
No Ordinary Res-olution
Boston College has a remarkably beautiful campus. While I enjoy many of the spaces this campus offers, there is one place that “does it” for me like no other.
Comparison Culture: Leaving Behind the Life Timeline
Your timeline is a work in progress, not a pre-ordained narrative. And you are so much more than a pawn moving between tasks. Appreciate the journey to reaching success, acknowledge the wisdom gained from each of your achievements, and do not be afraid to stray from the path.
If You Don’t Feel Mortified at Least Once a Week, You’re Not Living Life to the Fullest
The value of painful emotions is twofold. First, they serve as a signal of your deeper character—for example, sadness might be a signal that you are compassionate. Second, painful emotions are a call to action.
Boston College: The School for Sisyphus
It’s that time of year again. No, it’s not time to go apple picking, carve a pumpkin, or even be thankful for our friends and family. In many ways, we’ve skipped past that. Instead, Boston College students went straight to spending our time talking about housing plans for next year.
On Homecoming and Holistic Education: A Lorikeet Among the Eagles
That school spirit so joyfully displayed at BC is all but unimaginable back in Australia. To the Aussie mind, being a student is just one of many things you do.
My Hair, My Problem
When you wear your hair one way, and people tell you they prefer it another way, it’s not a good feeling. Especially when you’re an overthinker like myself.