About a year ago, Boston College FACES released a video to raise campus awareness about offensive dialogue on the popular social networking app YikYak. The video featured students reading offensive posts from YikYak, posts that were submitted anonymously by others in the BC community and which often exhibited racist, sexist, or homophobic undertones. Of particular…
Exercise In Self-Hate: Reasons Why Lists Are Awful
Lists are the bane of columns and articles—they are tangential, unmemorable, and ultimately, they have no conclusion.
Humor And Humility
Humor penetrates all facets of our lives, and we must take note of the kind that manages to be grounded rather than bitter, because that’s where the good stuff is.
A Letter To A Younger Feminist
Do not shy away, younger self. You are moving in the right direction. Never give in.
Fighting The Two Headed-Demon
As a nation so proud of its advancement, we must not let terror succeed in any situation, under any circumstances. The inhumanity and injustices of these people are the greatest evil facing the modern world—an evil clouded under the guise of a “religious war.”
Learning To See The Self Through Failure
And although from my failures I began to build my character and strengthen my resilience, more importantly from my failures I gained perspective.
The Dualism Of Pessimism
We tell kids to be optimistic—as we should—but we fail to acknowledge the dual nature of the word. Of course we should encourage them to see the present in the best light possible.
Beauty Is In The Eyes Of Your Doctor
The movement often encourages poor dietary and health habits as well. Too much self-acceptance can encourage laziness and complacency.
When Sean Penn Ran Dry
Jokes always have some truth to them. Humor is great, and can be used to highlight inequality and many of the underlying issues in American society in a conversational tone, but cheap racial jabs are not included.
The Inside View Of UGBC
It is these achievements and the passionate people who accomplish them that energize me to continue my work in the UGBC.