Right now, Congress is full of career politicians. For many of them, there should be serious questioning of their fitness to govern.
Thumbs Down To The Pest Problems At BC
We are currently nostalgic for the bedtimes of our youth. Luckily, we have some care packages to make our exhaustion, and the vermin, bearable.
Lincoln’s Legacy: Poetry and Politics
This week marks the 151st anniversary of the 16th president’s Gettysburg Address. For former high school speech and debate nerds such as myself, it’s sort of like a pre-Christmas celebration, in which Lincoln plays the part of Santa
Searching For Creativity
In most of our classes, we are not asked to think creatively. When faced with a project, such as a thesis, in which we actually have to come up with ideas, we are often at a loss for how to proceed.
You Are Not Qualified For This Job
Within this column, I document the trials and travails of a poor CSOM major, when all the A&S kids are getting jobs.
Games That Are Worth The Money
There are some extraordinary athletes whom you just have to be at their games to witness their true glory, and tickets to those games are worth the money. When my kids ask me about LeBron, I can now say I saw him play in person.
The Return Of Smash Bros. And Fire Alarms
The fire alarms of Ignacio are torturing us again, and we still cannot wrap our minds around why the University spent money on a superfluous staircase at the top of the staircase next to the Comm. Ave. garage. That’s okay, though, because we now have Super Smash Bros. on our TI-84s to distract us.
Doing As The Romans Do
A native Roman shares some of her experiences of growing up in Italy and offers travelers a few tips.
Things I Know For Sure
When you do the learning yourself, the information stays with you long after the experience is over.
On Breaking The Male Stigma At BC
If you’re a female on campus this week, you’ve probably heard about the Women’s Center’s Love Your Body Week. If you’re a male, you probably heard about the events, and then proceeded to go about your everyday business, since “women’s issues” don’t concern you.