In this edition of TU/TD, our age shows as we reflect on the fall of the Berlin Wall, ponder retirement, and read old books.
The Forgotten Game: A Crusade For Soccer
The University is extremely hostile to one of BC students’ favorite pick-up sports, soccer. There have been small changes to facilitate soccer, but BC should do more to support a game that so many students want to play.
Song Of Experience
A group discussion with visiting speaker Mark Edmundson led to a discussion on childhood, what it means, and how we reflect on it.
The Incomparable Voice, Style, And Lyrics Of Tom Waits
Some musicians need some time to be enjoyed. Tom Waits is one of those artists, and once you realize the brilliance behind his growling voice, you will find a brilliant lyricist.
Find Your True Inner Spark
It’s important to continuously ask ourselves how many situations we participate in daily that don’t result in any positive, life-giving ends.
Virtual Legos And Bad Coffee Sustain Us
We have recently rediscovered our childhood with the wonder that is Google Legos. If we weren’t so sick, it would be great.
The Party Doesn’t Stop With Halloween Over
It may not have the same ring as Halloweekend, but Election Day could prove to be the biggest party of the year.
Knowing What’s In Store As We Grow Up
Growing up has not been all I expected it to be. Although I don’t necessarily want to return to a time without the privileges I now enjoy, I do feel nostalgia for those earlier, carefree days.
The Lessons We Take With Us When We Leave BC
It is well known that the ideals of BC impact students significantly on campus. It is reassuring to hear that BC alumni take these lessons with them post-graduation.
The Collegiate Crisis of Truth
Before we come to college, we think we have the truth, only to be confronted with a crisis of understanding not long after classes begin. Even when we are lacking the objective facts we want, we must not stop searching.