The contents of this column reflect events and conversations about unregistered student organizations that never happened.
Defending Millennials
Although older generations like to point our collective flaws, they overlook our desire to create positive change.
The Unyielding Drive Toward Perfection
For perfectionist artists, creating something perfectly leads to both great entertainment for the audience and abhorrent working conditions for the participants. For them, though, they are just doing what they feel they need to do.
From Hong Kong With Protests
Over the last few weeks, the protests in Hong Kong have garnered much international support. It is worth taking the time, however, to listen to some unheard points of view from the city itself.
Thumbs Up To The Things That Keep Us Sane During Midterms
When our midterm schedule has caused us to lose our faith in any good in the world, we just look out to the changing leaves and beautiful trees and wish we were outside.
Embracing Our Insecurities
My name is Alex Gaynor, and I am not my many insecurities, but I am empowered to start discussing them. Your turn, BC.
Our Battle Over Privacy
At the same time as we are sharing more and more of our lives online, we are also concerned with our privacy. We want to have our cake and eat it too, and we have found a way to do so.
The Long Fight Against Alienating Negativity
It is so easy to disengage important issues by taking a lukewarm double negative position. We must fight against the natural tendency toward inaction that keeps us from engaging the democratic process.
God In The Oval Office
The president-elect places his hand on the Bible and swears an oath to defend the Constitution, but it is an oath that makes no reference to the Judeo-Christian God. This gesture is an anomaly among developed countries.
Goodbye, Suffolk Downs, At Least We Still Have The Gilmore Girls
It’s been an awful week. The fire alarms have disturbed our slumber two days in a row, Suffolk Downs closed, and our roommates won’t stop singing. Well, at least we can drown our misery in a weekend binge of Gilmore Girls.