Yet another browbeating of the Secret Service. We threw in a criticism of youth culture for good measure.
Not “All About That Bass”
Although Meghan Trainor’s song “All About That Bass” does attempt to counter the idea of skinny as the standard of female beauty, it does so in a way that is not accepting of all body types and also sends other problematic messages.
Engage The Issues Of The World
Around the world, there is a lot happening that warrants the attention of educated young minds. BC students should be informed about them and publicly engage them.
Scotland And The UK: The Great Divorce That Didn’t Happen
There is much we can learn about democracy, secession, and self-determination from Scotland’s recent vote to remain a part of the UK.
Our Mixed Emotions About Parents’ Weekend
We are not quite sure how we feel about Parents’ Weekend, but we are definitely without question against people getting engaged before graduation. It makes us very uncomfortable.
Even A Lifelong Mets Fan Can Respect The Yankee Captain
Above all, Derek Jeter stood up for the team. Perhaps that is why the extra mile I and so many others have gone to acknowledge Jeter’s success runs contrary to the reasons we respect him.
Ask Us About Our Heritage
Making assumptions about other people’s cultures devalues their individuality, so ask questions instead.
Out Of The Comfort Zone
Studying abroad can be an eye-opening experience for even the biggest homebodies.
Thumbs Down To The Bees That Are Out To Get Us
Something must be done about the bees that keeping attacking us. Also, somebody needs to tell administrators at BC not to send out so many emails. Just like the bees, we cannot escape these dreadful emails.
Charting A Path In A Post-Career World
In this changing world, careers as we have known them for decades are changing. While we are still finding out where we are going, we should stop to find out what brings us to life.