After summer, it takes focus and attention to shift back into the mode of classes, dorms, and BC life.
Reality And How It Might Interfere With Following Your Dreams
When offering advice to naive freshmen, I’ve always told them to follow their dreams, but sometimes that is delusional.
Raise Your Voice Against Injustice To Ignite A Long Absent Dialogue
When we see global injustices or certain policies that squelch expression and dialogues from occurring, why don’t we take a stand?
For The Smaller Issues, It Can Be Difficult To Discuss Policy
When the grievances are not that serious, it becomes difficult to have a conversation about policy and how sometimes implementation is what’s important.
Unconditional Love, Gravitas, And Our Grievances With Cityside
It’s mostly about fire … fire and Cityside. There’s even one Thumbs Down that brings the two together (sort of).
TU/TD: The (Mostly) Football Edition
There was so much going on Saturday night. We cheered, we stormed the field, and we couldn’t properly celebrate our hard-fought victory in the Mods.
Ferguson, ALS, And How We Address The Issues That Matter
Both the shooting in Ferguson and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge have evoked strong responses in social media. We must remember to address the important issues for their own sake, not for our own benefit.
Resist Romanticizing When Discussing Suicide
How we portray and discuss suicide is fraught with potential pitfalls. For the sake of those suffering from depression, we cannot put a positive message behind the act, no matter how subtle.
Textbook Pricing Is Unfair For Students
The current system of textbook is unaffordable for many students, leaving them unprepared. Students and professors should take a stand against the industry’s pricing model.