
Opinions, Column

Reaching For A Higher Education

By: Tiffany Ashtoncourt

The alarmingly un-alarming truth is that the U.S. still has some of the highest high school dropout rates among OECD countries despite being one of the most democratic and economically developed, according to The New York Times, which makes the accomplishment of completing an education in the “Land of Opportunity” all the more a testament to personal responsibility.

Opinions, Column

The Problems With #BC2018

By: Victoria Mariconti

This topic has already been addressed, so for the sake of originality, I have to ask: what remains that is worth saying or repeating? Only that you endorsed underage drinking on this campus for the mere sake of cultivating an attractive social media presence. For those of you just tuning in, this is regarding the “Welcome #BC2018″ video that was released to greet the accepted students of the incoming class.

Opinions, Column

Tanking In The NBA

By: Stephen Sikora

The beginning of April is one of the best times of the year to be a sports fan. Yet, there is one tradition each April that the NBA alone adds-teams jockeying for a better draft lottery position by losing. And losing. And losing some more. 

News, Column

Words Not Required

By: Alex Gaynor

In an ever-globalizing world, non-verbal and technological communication has become the norm, making antiquated ways of communicating obsolete in many situations.

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