The other day, my friends and I brainstormed the next big thing. The next Sillybandz, the next Fruit Ninja, the next hoverboard or Flappy Bird or air fryer. To no one’s surprise, though, we couldn’t think of anything. “Everything already exists,” we said.
‘Girl Math,’ TikTok, and Mansplaining the Joke
One fascinating phenomenon that stems from TikTok is the creation of unique slang and jargon. And this lexicon, born of catchy trends and memes, has woven itself into the fabric of day-to-day conversation.
In Sympathy of the Rats
If you have ever had the luxury of living in a questionably up-to-code off-campus house surrounding Boston College, you have probably experienced the joy of dealing with rats.
Carpe the Living Daylights Out of Every Diem
I fundamentally disagree with the idea of “finding” happiness. I believe you should make your own happiness, no matter where you are.
Only Child, Lonely Child?
Growing up as an only child, I was constantly asked, “Do you like it?”—almost always with a dismissive tone, as if it were impossible that I could enjoy being the only child in my family.
Is Kindness Really a Virtue?
For as long as I can remember, the value of kindness has been emphasized in nearly every aspect of my life. “Be kind to others” was scribbled at the top of the easel papers that served as elementary school classroom constitutions.
On Voice, Vitriol, and Visions: A Lorikeet Among the Eagles
The day before I wrote this—on Oct. 14—Australia went to the polls. Whether at the primary school a few blocks from my Melbourne home, 10,000 miles away via postal ballot, or the one Antarctic polling place at the far reaches of the earth, Australian citizens across the globe cast their ballots.
Stop Pulling the (Metaphorical) Fire Alarm in Your Life
Traditionally, fire drills are emergency exercises that simulate a building evacuation in the case of a fire. In the corporate world, however, a “fire drill” is what you call it when shit hits the fan.
From Home to the Heights: The Freshman Experience
We have all gone through it, or currently are: the nerve-racking, fun, and stressful freshman year. At the six-week mark, most of us are well immersed in the delicate dance of making new friends and finding one’s place in the vast social landscape of college.
The Struggle of Sibling Separation in College
Siblings! We don’t choose them. Their presence is bestowed on us, whether we like it or not. They somehow always know exactly when you plan on taking a shower (only to hog it first), and they know how to push every last one of your buttons. Yet, if you have siblings, they can shape your identity in a way no one else can.