Lessons From The Language Barrier
By: Devon Sanford
Studying abroad isn’t all wine and sightseeing, but the frustrating moments are still part of what makes the experience so rewarding.
Where Have All The Bubblers Gone?
By: Corinne Duffy
Hide and seek is over, and it’s time for the drinking fountains–sorry, bubblers–on campus to show themselves.
Marathon Training Becomes Game Of Mind Over Matter
By: Kendra Kumor
Mind over matter has never meant so much now that marathon training is in full swing.
Some Music To Consider
By: Victoria Mariconti
You listen to it occasionally when you study. You’ve probably been subjected to it in a too-warm concert hall full of the “elderly” (the 45-plus population). It is classical music.
Sharing Identity
By: Alex Gaynor
We live in a highly individualistic society in the U.S., and sometimes it may seem that the only way to live in a true community is within the microcosmic context of college campuses or intentional communities.
New Age Advertising
By: Stephen Sikora
If you’re a sports fan, you’ve likely noticed a recent trend that started on ESPN and has since been utilized and tweaked by multiple sports networks. During a typical sports broadcast, every few minutes a small rectangle featuring an advertiser’s logo will first appear on the left of ESPN’s bottom line and will subsequently make its way over to the right corner, where it stays anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or two.
The Loss Of The Letter
By: Kristy Barnes
Everyday for the last two weeks, I’ve checked my mailbox. I’m not even sure if what I’m waiting for will ever come. Not because he doesn’t care or is too lazy to write-letters are simply not a common means of communication anymore.
COLUMN: Fluff Ruins Olympics
By: Adriana Mariella
The Olympics plays out for us a familiar American story about hard work paid off-it reminds us of everything that’s romantic about capitalism. We are constantly rooting for the unlikely victor, the one whose success seems worked for rather than effortless. The more meager the beginnings, the more delicious the victory.