
Opinions, Column

COLUMN: Introduction To Politics

By: Nate Fisher

Piles of fliers are being dragged down hallways around Lower Campus, and heaved into trash rooms engorged on this wasted paper. And the knocking, the I-swear-to-God if-it’s-another-one-of-them, the knocking quite literally hits home. UGBC election season is back.

Opinions, Column

COLUMN: A Different Kind Of Valentine’s Day

By: Kimberly Crowley

I’m not sure if all of my readers will feel the same way but, personally, Valentine’s Day seemed to be a much bigger deal this year. I was confused as to why Valentine’s Day had never felt this dramatic to me before this weekend. I started thinking of how I had spent Valentine’s Days past and, suddenly, had a flashback to something I had not thought about since high school. My Valentine’s Days were always special because I always had a Valentine, and he was my hero the other 364 days of the year.

Opinions, Column

COLUMN: Giving Thanks For The Campus School

By: Mary Kate Nolan

A couple of weeks ago a friend asked me to join her at a prayer service dedicated to the Campus School. She told me that the future of the Campus School was in jeopardy and that it would be a great opportunity to voice my support. I did not know much about the Campus School controversy. I decided to go to the prayer service and learn more about it.

Opinions, Column

COLUMN: Defamiliarizing Ourselves

By: Patrick Angiolillo

Today we run the risk of becoming too familiar with things. In our daily lives we are often caught up in the familiar routines we have. We simply fall into the routine trap of everyday life, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. So I propose we defamiliarize.

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