By: Andrea D’Avila
Dear befuddled college kids: if you haven’t quite found the path to enlightenment yet, this letter is for you.
By: Andrea D’Avila
Dear befuddled college kids: if you haven’t quite found the path to enlightenment yet, this letter is for you.
By: Ben Olcott
Discourse, and this is my Clark Kentish definition, is the set of and interplay between words and tones in specific contexts. Discourses provide texture to fundamental social structures for better or for worse.
By: Jaclyn Susskind
By the end of this month, Attorney General Eric Holder will make his final decision whether to seek the death penealty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, responsible for the April bombing in Boston. And so, the question of justice is brought in. Would the death penalty provide the people of Boston and America a sense of fair play?
By: Stephen Sikora
You might not know it, but Boston College used to be a pretty good basketball school.
By: Kristy Barnes
With just one Sunday to go, it is time to start planning parties, practicing your Hail Mary spiral, and digging out that old favorite jersey. That’s right, folks, Super Bowl Sunday is right around the corner!
By: Victoria Mariconti
Faced with the prospect of an ambitious and exciting junior spring, I have recently devoted a fair amount of time to reflecting on why I do what I do, why I have made the choices that have charted the course for my semester. My reflections have consistently retreated to recalled excerpts from Blaise Pascal’s Pensees.
By: Alex Gaynor
As a child, I always resisted situations that I didn’t have a plan for. I knew what I wanted, I planned out how circumstances would resolve themselves, and I would be intolerant of a situation happening any other way.
If you want the greatest lesson of all time on the perils of human judgment, watch Legally Blonde.