No one should be fooled about the GOP’s history with Social Security. Cutting it or reducing it has been a clear goal for a good portion of the party for over 20 years.
Soap, Songs, and Rollercoasters: The Power of Associative Memory
Every single day we create new memories. And in doing so, we subconsciously intertwine specific experiences with our surroundings.
Cause of Death: Utter Humiliation
It is very easy to swap our honest imperfections with more impermeable exteriors, but we become much more confident and self-assured when we refuse to mask our unflattering qualities.
Busy as a Bee
I’m sure you have heard the saying “busy as a bee.” But have you ever stopped to think about what it really means?
How to Survive the Lazy River of Recruiting
Break out your blazers, it’s recruiting season baby! For many Boston College sophomores, the time surrounding Bank Week and Finance Week is the most dreaded—and important—part of the year.
I Am Not Your Damsel in Distress
Generations of patriarchal fairy tales have ingrained this mindset into the heads of so many little girls. It is outdated and misguided—they do not need to be saved.
Forming Habits: How To Find Stability Amid College Chaos
Most of the time, mornings consist of simple tasks such as brushing your teeth, washing your face, and getting ready for the day. But they can soon start to spiral into the most complex and difficult tasks of your life.
Laundry Politics and the Great Laundry Debate of Gonzaga Hall
On a weekend night that should’ve featured chaotic decisions, my friends and I instead gathered for a debate. Under the fluorescent lights of Gonzaga Hall, we discussed a critical subject: the politics of the laundry room.
The BC Script: Navigating Our Competitive Culture
What happens when you take the smartest and most privileged kids from around the world and put them under one roof? World peace? No, actually it’s almost exactly the opposite—you get competition.
31 Movies in 13 Days
Absurd and unnecessary challenges compel me, especially, it seems, as they become more and more useless or self-destructive. On Jan. 24 at 8:30 a.m., I decided to attempt to watch 31 movies in 13 days.