Stop trying to be so productive. No, really. Focusing on productivity isn’t improving your life, it’s probably making it worse. Let me explain. Growing up, we are told by parents and teachers not to “waste time.” We’re told to stop watching TV and “do something productive,” chastised for sleeping in, and constantly reminded that there…
The Disorganization of Organizations at Boston College
Other schools need Greek life to keep campus social life alive and fun at their universities, but at Boston College, all that’s needed to keep spirits high is student organizations. Being part of one of the many amazing student organizations at BC is one of the best ways to make new friends on campus, and…
The Pandemic is Helping Workers Recognize Their Power
Across the United States, workers have been exercising their power and calling for strikes over wages and working conditions. So far in 2021, 176 strikes have been called, and October in particular has seen a flurry of labor activism, causing #Striketober to trend for weeks. More than 25,000 workers went on strike in October alone,…
In the Boston Mayor’s Race, Wu is the Clear Choice
On Tuesday, Boston voters face a choice on who to elect as the next mayor of the city. The departure of Mayor Marty Walsh, former two-term mayor of Boston and BC ’09, to serve as President Joseph R. Biden’s secretary of labor left the race wide open with no incumbent. Following the crowded Sept. 14…
It’s Not A Race, It’s a Marathon: Expectations Vs. Reality of Marathon Monday
Marathon Monday is a Boston College tradition like no other. To be brief, it’s a day that captures the “highlight reel” of all the other BC traditions: think the chaos of a tailgate combined with the school spirit of the Red Bandana Game. Except, is a tradition really a tradition if three quarters of the…
The Resurrection of the Bibliophile
“Are you a bibliophile?” She asked the question like it was an insult. I was sitting on the chipping blue bench—tucking my obligatory Catholic school plaid skirt under my legs to avoid splinters—with my copy of Harry Potter nestled securely under my arm. After letting me sit in awkward silence for a moment too long,…
Music in the In-Betweens
The concept of being “in between” has always fascinated me. One of my long-time favorite music albums is called Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair by La Dispute, drawing on the Chinese folktale “The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.” Despite the original story being written in Chinese, the language of…
College Dating: Should We Lower Our Expectations?
A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through TikTok—as I do far too often—and came across an old Bo Burnham skit. In the video, accurately titled “Lower Your Expectations,” Burnham mischievously serenades the audience from behind a keyboard, opening with the lines “You want a guy that’s sweet, a guy that’s tough / A feminist…
We Are Way Too Polarized
I think everyone can agree with me that all extremes are bad: too much sugar, too much salt, eating too much, not eating enough, drinking too much water, or not drinking enough water. This concept, however, does not apply solely to the nutritional aspects of our lives. Just like we need to balance our diets,…
Vapes Aren’t Just Hurting You, They’re Hurting the Environment, Too
I’ve heard many adults refer to vaping and juuling as the “epidemic of our generation”—a title that has lost its bite in the past year due to the actual pandemic. But the sentiment remains as campaigns across the country continue to crack down on vape usage. Boston College followed suit by updating its smoking policy…