Boston College campus tour guides often have to bend the truth. In some cases, they might even snap it in half. Perhaps the biggest lie any BC tour guide provides to their unsuspecting group of high school seniors is about Newton Campus. “Newton isn’t all bad. In fact, I know so many people who found…
A Love Letter to BC Football from a Recovering Sports-Hater
When it comes to sports, I was wrong and pretty much everyone else was right. That’s the short version, at least. I grew up in a family of sports fans. Mainly football, baseball, and tennis, but really anything if it was on and exciting enough. My family dragged me to games, and in turn I…
The BaconEggandCheese Dilemma, and Other East Coast Things
Coming from San Francisco, it feels like every other person I’ve met on campus is from New Jersey, Connecticut, or somewhere in Massachusetts. As a freshman in my first month of college, I have felt a little isolated at times because no one seems to miss home as much as I do. While I knew…
Coughing on Campus: The BC Plague
I remember the night that everything went wrong. Just like every other night, I was sitting in my twin XL bed mindlessly scrolling through social media, responding to emails, and of course, checking Herrd. Normally, checking Herrd means that I silently cackle at a variety of different, sort of stupid (but still funny) posts as…
Witchcraft is the New Black
Black cats, broomsticks, and big bubbling cauldrons are most likely the images conjured up when someone mentions Witchcraft, but what about a notepad and pen, positive affirmations, or an amethyst crystal? Maybe surprisingly, the latter is a more accurate representation of what it means to be a Witch in the 21st century. In fact, the…
All that Glitters Isn’t Maroon and Gold: Waste at Athletic Events
Ah yes, the return of Boston College football, or rather, the return of fans to BC football. The early Saturdays and tailgate atmosphere were dearly missed last season by current students, alumni, and parents. Of course, missed most was the crux of game day: actually being in the stadium. As BC’s Athletics Director Pat Kraft…
Cancel Cancel Culture
Oops, looks like I am going to get canceled for what I am about to say. I am not sorry, though. I know many of us think it, but few are brave enough to say it: Cancel culture has done more harm to our society than good. Sure, it has been a good short-term means…
Versus Reality: The American Dream
“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore,” is the first sentence I thought to myself as I landed in Boston for the first time. I thought I was being funny, seeing as I never owned a pet nor did I ever really think of Kansas as a home that I could click…
Texas’ Abortion Law Puts Constitutional Rights at Risk
In May, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law S.B. 8, a radical piece of legislation that effectively bans abortion after just six weeks, with no exemptions given for rape or incest. The Supreme Court narrowly voted in a 5-4 decision to formally state that the bill may go into effect on the intended date…
The Beginning of the End: Marathons, Goodbyes, and a Third Thing
“On a scale of one (completely doable) to 10 (doing that would be worse than going to the seventh circle of hell), what are your thoughts on walking a marathon distance in one day? Be honest.” This is what I texted my boyfriend, Jack, three days after he graduated from college. “Like a 7. Maybe…