The transition from home to college life requires a significant reworking of eating routines and habits. Whether it’s freshman or senior year, for those who are dependent on dining halls, meal time is no longer as easy as meandering to the kitchen to eat something that is already prepared or cooking something specific. Readjustment to…
Am I Hated as an Asian? A Sincere Reflection on the Stop Asian Hate Movement
While recent events have shed light on the treatment of Asian Americans in our country, I want to make sure that this reflection does not narrow the scope of my thoughts to the hate crimes we are seeing today. Rather than describing it as “Asian hate,” I hope that my reflection will redefine the events as a lack of empathy for and understanding of a diverse range of cultures.
American Politics Need Empathy
I never considered myself a political person. But recently, I realized that I was wrong. I believe there have been a series of radical moments in my life that led me to this realization. As a freshman in high school, I read about and witnessed the separation and deportation of families at the United States-Mexico…
Being A Minority Is Not Easy, We Must Stand Together
Speaking from my experience being a Latina, I can tell you that being a minority is not easy. While I think most people today are much more aware than in the past of the struggles that minorities face, many are still not aware of the competition that minority groups tend to have with each other. …
A Bittersweet Sunset To Freshman Year
Walking from Upper Campus to the gym at 6 a.m. changes a person. One morning a few weeks ago, while walking to the gym, I witnessed possibly the most gorgeous sunrise I’ve ever seen. The sun glowed across the horizon, coloring the clouds shades of purple, orange, and pink that I’ve never seen before. Compared…
Boston College’s Response To COVID-19 Was Irresponsible And Negligent
When I learned Boston College had made the decision to return for the fall semester in person, while the College of the Holy Cross—where my little sister, Lizzie, is a freshman—decided to go virtual, I felt two emotions. The first was gratitude that I could return to Boston to spend my last two semesters in…
A Green New Deal Makes Economic And Environmental Sense
Last Tuesday, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Massachusetts’ own U.S. Senator Ed Markey took the ambitious steps to formally reintroduce their signature bill, the Green New Deal. With new Democratic control of both houses of Congress and the White House, it appears as though the most sweeping piece of climate legislation in…
The Power Of Meditation
When someone says the word “meditation,” what immediately comes to mind? Do you picture a Buddhist monk sitting cross-legged in a robe? Or maybe you’ve had the unfortunate experience of being bombarded with incessant Headspace ads on YouTube. You might even be drawn back to a memory of that person you met one time who…
Breathe Easy And Get A Houseplant
Earlier this semester, my roommates and I had to endure an unfortunate reality that has been all too familiar to Boston College students this year: quarantine. Per Massachusetts regulations, BC requires students who test positive for COVID-19 to isolate for a minimum of 10 days and those who come into close contact with someone who…
Transgressing Mental Health Stigma
Spring has always carried a sense of new beginnings for me, so I always look forward to it. My fondest memories of spring are not necessarily the big moments, though. It is the small changes that do not significantly alter my schedule or my habits that impact me most. The birds in the morning that…