Not to mention, it’s hard to be stressed out about midterms during those 20 minutes you spend shrieking at a haunted house, and there is considerable value in that momentary neglect.
DiversityEdu, the Right Idea on the Wrong Platform
Imagine if they had invited speakers or played parts of these videos at our mandatory building meetings.
Considering Columbus Day and the Power of a Name
It’s never easy: Getting rid of Columbus Day isn’t just saying that Columbus was wrong, but is saying that we were wrong to celebrate him.
Finding the Value in a Liberal Arts Education
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race of academia and not really question what you’re doing.
Separating Altruism From Philanthropy
“We are, sadly, self-preservative, genetically reaching back to our Neanderthal nth great-grandparents.”
Living in the Moment to Better Your Future
“These are the moments where we want to grip our desks and refuse to let go.”
Hitting Rock Bottom to Get Back Up
“There’s one thing, though, that I hope is similar: I hope you face-plant on the ground of rock bottom at some point in your life.”
Beyond Addiction, Technology Is a Necessity
“This isn’t a new trend—anyone with cochlear implants or pacemakers is aware of the naturalization of technology.”