“Essentially, the school anticipates that students engaging with gender theory will riot and cause problems.”
Reaffirming My Love for BC
“I hadn’t thought about the unique BC-isms that contribute so strongly to my happiness here in probably two years—but then my little brother moved into a triple in Keyes North four weeks ago.”
You Don’t Listen to ‘Pretty Much Everything’
“To not ask these questions is to not care about what you’re listening to. And if you don’t care, why are you listening?”
Chill Out and Be a Kid
“No, I didn’t land a big internship with a Big Three or Big Four, nor am I Tom Hanks from Big.”
Escaping Our Aversion to Vulnerability
“Now go make them like you. You have three seconds.”
Differentiating Success From Happiness
“To uphold the expectation that one should be always happy is a disservice and an injustice to yourself.”
Selfishly Using Unselfish Love
“The dialogue on BC’s campus is a bombardment of philosophic and morally superior language.”
Saving the Appreciation of Art
“It’s not brain surgery, but it is important.”
Escaping Corporate-Controlled Advertisement Algorithms
“I know my devices probably know me better than I know myself.”
Paying Attention to My Loss of Attention
“Maybe when we were all younger, the world was a different place, and we all functioned a little differently.”