“How does one cope with having to make so many decisions, big or small?”
The Beauty of Being Back On Campus
“I get to see people in the elevator and in my hallway, and we even have neighbors whose conversations I can hear through the wall!”
Choose Happiness
“Stepping it up can take a lot of forms, and there’s by no means a “perfect” college experience.”
Taking a Step Back From Campus
“Sometimes, you need to take a step back in order to see the big picture. Sometimes, you need to defamiliarize the familiar in order to recognize just how special it is.”
Save Late Night
“Speaking of half-baked, how the hell is this whole operation going to function?”
Solving the Greatest Mystery at BC
“That story, though, sounds both highly illegal and slightly racist.”
The Culminating Column, Emphasizing Dialogue
“It is through conversation and reflection that our convictions and beliefs are recognized and formed.”
Finding the Flaws in Fake News
“I am normally a skeptic, maybe even a cynic, so I always check the citations and the history of whoever presents information to me.”
The Quality of a Core Curriculum
“By working to develop an open mind as a student, you will have a better time handling the challenges of the job market.”
Doing Service For Personal Growth
“By signing up and agreeing to fundraise for the program, I was only continuing to invest in my own growth.”