“By signing up and agreeing to fundraise for the program, I was only continuing to invest in my own growth.”
The Importance of Adopting a Hobby
“When all you think about is training and studying, eventually you’re going to snap.”
Learning To Live With Gratitude
“Her kids had never lived outside of a homeless shelter before.”
How to Say Goodbye
“The scariest part is losing a collective identity.”
The Power of Apology
“If you are going to be disingenuous, isn’t a fake apology worse than no apology at all?”
Appreciating Education Outside the Classroom
“Knowledge—arguably the only omnipresent facet of the universe—is accessible to many, yet chased by few.”
The Problems with the Lottery
“Not all the profit is from those addicted to the game, of course, but the lottery system is still a detriment to those who play it, which, in my opinion, outweighs the supposed benefits.”
The Danger of Keeping Secrets
“What we keep hidden may say more about us than what we choose to show.”
Where Does Rubinoff Come From?
“She did discover, however, Rubi’s opaque ownership—a question that should consume us all, much as the stench of Rubi consumes Boston College on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings.”
Why Student Athletes Needs Priority Registration
“It is no secret that many student-athletes at BC would have no shot of acceptance on their own academic merit.”