“Confused and already in tears, I shut my laptop and attempted to ignore what I thought was a trap that would only lead to further disappointment.”
Don’t Call Me a Liberal
“This is why I hate being called a liberal.”
The Voluntourist’s Dilemma
The trip seemed less about volunteerism and more about sightseeing, photo-taking “voluntourism.”
Learning With Empathy
“This kind of learning results in the knowledge of the material in isolation: Without the context, students are not able to uncover the meaning behind the event.”
Satirizing Intellectual Conversation
“I guess it must be I who is wrong in reasoning that every single student cannot be right.”
Will I Finish My Thesis?
“To answer the first, I’ve been busy working on my thesis about the War in Afghanistan, which is going about as well as the War in Afghanistan.”
Escaping Comfort to Discuss Real Issues
“They were each placed in a chair to represent parties of millions, but it came down to themselves.”
Remembering the Past, Eyes Toward the Future
“The grounds crew also did a phenomenal job creating, in my opinion, the best infield and mound in the ACC.”
Overcoming Material Envy
“Until BC begins to accept incoming students from different socioeconomic backgrounds, the University will continue to foster the homogenous environment that marginalizes students who fail to fit a stereotype, rather than creating the culture of acceptance that BC desperately needs.”