“It is admittedly painful to learn about the inhumane conditions that livestock are subjected to, and equally painful to try to question the values we have held throughout our lives.”
Addressing the Great Plate Caper of 2016
“A reputable investigative reporter would have read those articles in full, but reputable investigative reporters get paid for their work, so I just read the first few paragraphs, then texted some sophomores to buy me lunch because I had worked up a sweat.”
The Benefit of Imitating Our Idols
“When we neglect the possibility of drawing inspiration from the personas and atmospheres that precede us, we refuse to acknowledge the splendor of any life before ours.”
Lifting My Way to Physical and Mental Transformations
“If I allowed myself to be stuck in a fixed mindset about my strength, I would never achieve any progress.”
Finding Happiness and Relief Through Relationships
“Maintaining old friendships and gaining new ones means striking a balance between focusing on schoolwork and focusing on our well-being.”
Discussing Diversity On Campus
“It is all too easy to fall into the comfortable pattern of spending time with people who are similar to you. I struggle with it every day.”
How Medical Authorities Contribute to the Opioid Crisis
“It is not until the entire public understands the complexities of the circumstances from which addictions arise that we can begin to approach solutions and treatment with a sense of compassion.”
BC Student Center’s Tragic Progression
“Nearly 60 years ago, BC began discussing building a student center. We are still having that conversation. What follows is the long, tragic saga of a BC student center that may never be.”
Exploring the Troubles with Boston Public Housing
“The renovations of these old housing projects are necessary and helpful, but the developers can only afford to build one new affordable space for each old one because there is an ever-decreasing amount of subsidies set aside for low-income workers.”
Protecting Free Speech in College
“In the Twentieth century, radical leftists were ostracized, but today, people target anyone from a moderately right leaning politician to a classical libertarian.”