“Reading requires effort and deliberation, and after your assigned reading of Kant or Faulkner, turning on Friends seems like the better choice.”
Losing the Thrill of Going Out
“I was hoping I would be able to feel that excitement again, but I ended up just feeling old and jaded.”
Mattress Firm’s Name Is Officially Not a Pun
“I don’t know whether it bothered me more that she had used a dictionary against me, her “fine friend;” that she had turned part of the response into a marketing opportunity; or that she used the pun bed-ginning—mediocre at best—after spending an entire paragraph telling me that Mattress Firm wasn’t a pun.”
The Importance of Individual Conservation
“The seemingly endless process of extracting and wasting must eventually switch to a circular production system, as the earth can only give so much of itself to humans, and a large portion of the destruction caused has already proven irreversible.”
Tom Brady and the Persian King
“It doesn’t matter what you did last year, last week, or last game, if you do not prepare for the next challenge, you are in trouble because someone else probably is.”
Encouraging Empowerment On and Off Campus
“But the more marches I attend and upsetting accusations I read in the news, my part in this change grows increasingly elusive.”
Reflecting on Micro-Bravery
“But we need to change our mindset to realize that “best” is not synonymous with “perfect,” and that a little stumble here and there is all part of the process.”
Recognizing Racism in Film Culture
“There are racist incidents like the ones that occurred on campus, yes, but there was also an institutionalized, subtle racism. It’s quiet, hidden, and ingrained in the American psyche. Now I’ve discovered this is still evident in the white-dominated industry of Hollywood, not just in older films like The Little Colonel.”
On Union, BC Sides With Trump
“While many undergraduate students may have simply archived the seemingly monotonous email, the six paragraph-long message is an elaborate attempt to cover up one simple fact: BC is siding with Trump.”
Relationships Threatened Through Hyper-Partisanship
“Often missing is a basic appreciation of students as multifarious beings, who are much greater than the political beliefs they hold.”