“I could have learned to love Venice and found all the beauty in my time abroad on my own, but when the best experiences in life are shared with friends, they take on a new life”
The Challenge of White Supremacy on College Campuses
“White bodies can be in the same physical space as nonwhite bodies and yet these two sorts of bodies can experience that identical environment in sometimes radically different ways.”
Finding Creativity in the Kitchen
“I try not to give in to food snobbery, but I can’t help thinking that Blue Apron has taken art and creativity out of the kitchen.”
Making the Most Out of the New Year
“How can we live this year of college in the best way possible, with little nostalgia for the past and even less fear of the future?”
A GOP in Jeopardy
“It’s all very well to explore and discuss the Party’s problems, but four years later, nothing has changed.”
Student Pens Open Letter to Admin After Denied a Chance to Walk at Graduation
Kiara, a rising senior, wanted to walk at this past year’s graduation so that her mother, who is suffering from Ovarian cancer, would have the chance to see her graduate. Her request was denied.
In Light of Recent Police Violence, a Letter From FACES to the BC Community
“This week’s tragedies once again remind us that racism is deeply engraved in our society, and cannot be isolated or separated from any community. As an anti-racist organization, we find it essential that everyone engage in open, compassionate, and uncomfortable conversations about the state of race in the United States.”
Seeing the Other: BC’s Road to Change
“Until undergraduates in Students for Sexual Health and the Pro-Life Club can hang banners next to each other on O’Neill Plaza, host a joint panel event, and retire to dorm spaces where they routinely interact, we can’t say that BC has unlocked the true potential of its diversity.”
Searching for Conclusions
“Graduation is a time of indecision because one world is ending—the “BC bubble” is being popped—and another world is revealing itself.”
The Fault Lines in America’s Economy
“Our steadfast devotion to the facade of capitalism’s endless growth is a delusion that threatens to tear our country apart.”