“Divestment is a bold first move, despite the staggering challenges humanity collectively faces and the fact that there is an unsure path of how exactly to solve it.”
Saving the Republican Party
“As counterintuitive as it may seem, picking either Cruz or Trump in the long run is likely to help moderate Republicans in the future, by showing those on the far right that their extreme candidates cannot win a general election.”
It’s Time to Reject College Rankings
“Decades of obsession over rankings have pushed universities to be less creative and more alike—all while artificially elevating institutions that have historically catered to the wealthy.”
The End of Democracy
“The founding fathers did not plan for us to have a democracy.”
How Stories Shape Our Lives
“Art is above nature in that respect, for by examining life through our own lenses we make it more palatable and relatable.”
How Art Therapy Helped Heal My Sister
“Art therapy helps patients and their families feel in-control while most areas of their lives are out of control.”
Saving the Original BC
“Industry and necessity gutted the innards of BC’s humble original campus.”
Don’t Let Fear Cast Your Vote
“The possibility of fire and brimstone is as unlikely as it ever was and, on top of that, the United States has an unbroken record of success when confronting its fears, and there doesn’t seem to be anything keeping that record from continuing.”
Learning a Lesson Behind Prison Walls
“Every week, nine 4Boston members (including myself), and a handful of PULSE students volunteer in the prison’s education department.”
The Power of Fiction
“In my mind, writing is first and foremost how I identify myself. It’s what I do in my spare time, and sometimes, stupidly, in my not-spare time.”