“I would never deny that the perpetrators of this chant should have been punished and forced to apologize, but Newton North never had to apologize for its chants.”
Why Mindfulness Matters
“The benefits of mindfulness include decreased stress, stronger focus, better productivity, and an increased ability to be present, making it one of the best psychological practices for a college student.”
Treating America’s Problem
“The job of political pundits, party elites, and media figures should no longer be Trump-bashing—instead, they must begin the grand project of Trump-understanding.”
The Decline of the Rom Com
“People still like rom coms. There’s a reason people still watch them. But those reasons can’t last if studios continue to generate slop”
How Free Tuition Would End College Competition
“By instituting free tuition, public universities will lose the competitive edge that makes them so elite.”
Why Clinton Isn’t Inevitable
“The best thing that Sanders can do to get ahead of Hillary is to accentuate their differences.”
The Problem of Common Core
“Using an untested, unproven method all over the country is a risky and dangerous move. Educational standards should be created then reviewed and discussed with teachers, parents, students, and local governments around the country before they become the norm.”
The Need for Transparency at BC
The effect of this lack of transparency can be seen in multiple ways on campus.
The Art of British Culinary Competition
First, you must turn off the Food Network. It pains me to say it, as someone who wants to continue the conversation about cooking, but those dumbed-down, high-drama reality shows add little to the celebration of food.
The Truth Within Language
“I want my words to reflect my perspective and for other people to understand my words as I mean them. And I worry that that just isn’t possible.”