Come this time of year, there will almost inevitably be some snarky opinion piece remarking on the futility of the incompetence of UGBC. Of course, we should be critical of our student leaders whenever necessary, but I also think it’s worth considering how many vested University interests stand to benefit from the belief that our student organizations are simply incompetent, and student advocacy only really ever touches on superficial problems.
Behind Populism’s Popularity
As much as the mainstream media likes to hype up election drama, the increasingly palpable anger in this country is not just a tool politicians use to get elected. Yes, fear has been and always will be a powerful political instrument, but the rush by every candidate to frame him or herself as anti-establishment proves itself beyond the normal scope of political maneuvering and taps into deeper rumblings within American society.
A Generation Decides: The Millennial Hunt For Meaning in Politics
First-time voter Madeleine Loosbrock takes a closer look into the politically uninvolved generation.
Making Your Cheese Tray Experience the Best it Can Brie
A meticulous yet rational approach to saying cheese.
The Final Countdown: 100 Days to Say Goodbye to Boston College
Emily Sadeghian reflects on her final 100 days of senior year.
Celebrating and Saving the Arts
The spirit within the BC community for athletics is admirable, scarily impressive, and it is one thing I hope for in the arts at BC. The arts community consists of talented and creative individuals who move tirelessly, going through the motions without celebrating each other properly. While athletics are deeply rooted in BC’s culture, the arts consist of pockets of talented individuals, disconnected and hopefully yearning for the BC community to rally behind their achievements as well.
Winning Over Millennial Republicans
Many millennials who prefer Republican economic policy—free markets, lower taxes, and minimal government expenditures—simultaneously lean far to the left on issues like climate change, practical gun control, and marriage equality. The Republican Party, unfortunately, refuses to lean with them.
George Lucas vs. the People
While Disney can logically buy the rights to use these figments of Lucas’ imagination, one wonders whether true ownership has been transferred at all.
Visiting Nicaragua: The Bitter Reality
Our week in Managua was not a vacation, nor was it a service trip—it was a much-needed encounter with the real world. We came back feeling bitter, furious, and woken-up.
A 1/292 Chance of Being Happy?
We are so desperate to improve the quality of our lives—our happiness—that we unconsciously ignore the numbers. It is our innate hope that creates optimists instead of realists.