Letters To The Editor

Letter to the Editor: BC Republicans’ Statement Misses the Mark
Letters To The Editor

Letter to the Editor: BC Republicans’ Statement Misses the Mark

I’m writing in response to a statement published on Sunday evening, authored by the Executive Board of Boston College Republicans. The authors raise a number of points that I, as a Democrat, agree with: we must reject political “intimidation” and “hate speech,” “ad hominem attacks” are no substitute for healthy “debate and dialogue,” and it is wrong to dehumanize our political opponents over disagreements.

Letter to the Editor: Resolution Defending Academic Freedom As It Relates to Teaching About Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Critical Race Theory 
Opinions, Letters To The Editor

Letter to the Editor: Resolution Defending Academic Freedom As It Relates to Teaching About Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Critical Race Theory 

Co-sponsored by the BC chapter of the AAUP and University partners: Since its founding in 1915, the AAUP has steadfastly opposed political interference in the conduct of this country’s institutions of higher education. Today the AAUP condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent actions to ban, limit, or distort the teaching of history and related…

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