A Response to “Why the Right Must Stop Trump”
LTE: A Response to the Election Committee’s Decision
Although the Elections Committee (EC) claims to be an unbiased, nonpartisan group, its decision to limit the UGBC election to two teams is clearly inspired by Bernie Sanders’ argument that “you don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants.”
LTE: A Response Regarding UGBC Debate Changes
“With this in mind, we recommend that the Elections Committee continues to allow student leaders in ALC and GLC to ask questions at the debate. This is not about giving these groups special privileges—it is about ensuring there is equal and adequate representation in the debate.”
LTE: A Response to “Eradicate Members Receive Disciplinary Action in Response to Unregistered Protest”
When I first read this article, my initial reaction was to condemn Boston College’s administration for attempting to punish an anti-racism protest. Just more ways that the administration refuses to work with the outspoken students, right? But after I reread some sections and thought about it a little more, I came to support the administration’s…
LTE: A Response to “Winning Over Millennial Republicans”
I read Nicholas Hissong’s Feb. 1 op-ed, “Winning Over Millennial Republicans,” with interest; while I am not sure if I (having been born in 1997) count as a “Millennial” (my dictionary gives a 1994 cut-off date, but Neil Howe and William Strauss, who coined the term, give it as 2004), I am a young Republican,…
LTE: Another Response to “Why Bernie Sanders’ Policies Make Sense”
I actually enjoyed Mr. Behrens’s piece; political discourse is always good. Naturally, I don’t agree, either practically or philosophically, and I’ll try to lay out my reasons here.
A Response to “Why Bernie Sanders’ Policies Make Sense.”
It is not surprising to see Boston College students “Feeling the Bern,” but I believe Mr. Behrens’s column supporting Sanders misses a few points.
LTE: A Letter On Institutional Racism
‘The thing is, this isn’t about Jack Dunn, or any other individual administrator at BC. It’s about an institution that normalizes and advantages whiteness in policy and in practice.’
LTE: Another Response To The Review Of Big Love
‘The article does nothing to promote genuinely intellectual analysis of a piece of art that we struggle to provide to the Boston College community.’
LTE: A Response To The Review Of Big Love
‘We ask that writers of The Heights have an understanding of the technical terms of theatre before pursuing reviews of our productions. It is apparent Ford lacks such understanding.’